Sunday, January 3, 2016

Augmented Reality for Presentation

Augmented Reality(AR) is My reality

This is going to be a new weekly update as I continue prepping my first ever conference speaking engagement. My hope is that though these updates I can not only share but learn a little more about my presentation topic, Augment Reality in Training and Curriculum.

I will be presenting, along with my colleague Mark Banit, this March at Learning Solutions 2016 in sunny Orlando, Florida. Our topic is that of Augmented Reality in Training and Curriculum design. I will be updating the ideas that we will be sharing in that presentation as well as some of the AR projects that I will be committing to this year for both classrooms and training rooms that I develop for.

Week 1

This week we are looking at the general presentation structure about how we will be managing our 45 minute presentation. The first topic of our presentation is a quick recap on what AR is and What it is and what it isn't. We also want to take a brief moment to clarify Augmented Reality vs. Virtual Reality just to be sure we are all starting from the same start. 

 Simon Crook eLarning Blog
Image from Simon Crook eLearning Blog

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1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks for sharing the another informative post.I think this is the info which I am looking? Keep sharing such a informative post again.

    Augmented Reality
